I have some experience assisting with clinical trials and completed my medical residency more than 10 years ago. Do I still qualify for this program?Paul Bell2025-02-05T15:23:05-05:00August 25, 2023|
Must I be a US Citizen to participate in this program?Paul Bell2023-08-25T14:40:04-05:00August 25, 2023|
I have a PhD only. Am I eligible to apply for this program?Paul Bell2023-09-26T01:17:50-05:00August 25, 2023|
Am I proposing my own research study or am I writing about my mentor’s research study?Paul Bell2023-09-26T16:36:47-05:00August 25, 2023|
Is the mentor stipend included in the annual $120,000 budget?Paul Bell2023-08-25T14:36:37-05:00August 25, 2023|
Why is the Winn CDA focused on the disease areas of cancer, cardiovascular disease and immunologic disorders?winnawards2024-01-31T12:46:55-05:00August 25, 2023|